Monday, July 21, 2008

The greatest reward in life

The Greatest reward in life is being you .

The gretest reward in life is accepting your flaws

You have accomplished much......

You will suceed in your failures...

The greatest reward in life is doing what's best for you.

The mind gets stronger,the heart grows fonder...

The greatest reward in life is believing in yourself

The greatest reward is accomplishing your dreams

Doing the right thing,making paves for those who come after

The greastest reward is you...being you!

If you can't accept yourself,then who will?

Negitvity is bestowed within,but if you clean out the impossible

Your reality of negativity becomes a reality of the positivity in your life

No obstacle to too hard to overcome

No fear is too difficult to face and change

If anything is possible,then the greatest reward in life is...


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