Friday, April 24, 2009

Standing Tall

look ahead what is there?

The shadow of guidance...

walking down the weary road

uncertain of the next corner to come,yet standing tall with the posture high,and a grateful smile upon her face.

The risk-taking a person can do, the chances she face, the hurt and pain she knows of a dream,not becoming reality...

She stands tall and embraces what comes her way!

Standing Tall shows you have courage,bravery,and agility to take whatever comes your way!

Fear is no option ,and obstacles are blind, patience makes the challenge a infinite possiblity,but...

Standing Tall makes you inferior,wise,and powerful...thats what a person who has overcomed many things ideally presents to those among...that walks near !

So Standing Tall and giving everything your all makes you a better person when you fight and never show a down fall,not proving to others ,but proving to yourself..

You are...

You have...

You will...


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