Wednesday, December 12, 2007

a heart for the holidays

Sometimes we forget what christmas and new years'day is all about!

I recently gave cards away to all my professors and close friends; i love when christmas comes around because iam able to give away items wether it is a card or a gift to those whom make a significance in my life. I am humbled by any gifts that i recieve.

And their response in return is " i don't have anything for you"!

My response is "when someone doesn't give you a gift ,it doesn't mean their bitter it is the thought that counts".

I truely believe that a heart for the holidays is necessary because we do not need to give another a materialized item, it could be as simple as a phone call.

Having a heart for the holidays is a great it anyone can appricate ( its the thought that counts).


Reflections Magazine editor said...

I agree. Sometimes the best gifts are the hugs, phone calls and email wishes from students, friends and family that mean more than anything else. When someone remembers you with their heart, WOW--that is special. Sure the gifts are great too.

Reflections Magazine editor said...

I thought I would mention a great story. I have a former student who now works at the college who displayed tremendous generosity for a family this past Christmas. Two little girls lost their mother and father in a terrible car accident, and this person collected money and donated money of his own to provide these two girls with a loving and bountiful Christmas. I praise his actions and hope it inspires others. :)
